Sunday, July 19, 2015

Write a blog post everyday!!.... Not.

After the last time I failed to complete one of those "Write a story/Take a picture/Make a post EVERYDAY" I told myself I would never try to do one again. Now I never failed because I suck at these things, but because I (would sometimes just forget but mostly) would always feel like what I had to post was not good enough. These things, in theory, are meant to promote creativity by doing exactly what they do, force you to think of something new every day. I, on the other hand, end up feeling pressured to make something at least mildly interesting every day, and my life just isn't that interesting! My every day photos included a lot of pictures of my cat and my posts.. well, they ended after less than a week.

You might be wondering what brought up this chain of thought! (You probably aren't, but that's okay.) I really wanted to write another blog post today but:
1) Did not want to feel like I had to start writing a post everyday
2) Feel that, even though I don't have anything interesting to write about, I could not be excited about rediscovering my blog and write a post just because - even if it has very little interest.

So, I am going to stop feeling like my posts always have to be interesting. I have a blog for me and my posts are for me!

Now, here is the really not interesting stuff that you've been waiting for! Drum roll, please!

*Drum Roll*

I have been house sitting 2 dogs, 1 cat, 3 hamsters, and 2 bunnies since last Wednesday. One of the hamsters had babies the day before I got here.. They ate the babies while I was here. The cat hates me, and I can't tell if the bunnies want to be held or if they want to bite me.. But the puppies love me and cuddle with me every night, so that's good!

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